Cape Town – Former Olympic swimmer Roland Schoeman has faced criticism for requesting an appearance on US podcaster Joe Rogan’s show to discuss alleged “atrocities” in South Africa, particularly against farmers.
Now a real estate agent in the US, Roland, 44, has frequently voiced concerns about crime, corruption, and government failures in SA. He has also frequently tagged high-profile figures like US President Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk in his tweets, both of whom have previously claimed there is a “white genocide” happening in the country.
Take a look at some of the reactions:
Why you want to cause kak here brah?
You’re an Olympian. You’re really being VERY selfish about the plight of your ‘own people’ when MOST other people in SA have it WAY worse. You clearly don’t care about all South Africans.In fact if you saw all South Africans as your own…
— Riaad Moosa (@RiaadMoosa) February 21, 2025
Hey @joeroganhq would you entertain the idea of hosting a few other South Africans on your podcast to challenge the fake news claims of “atrocities” in South Africa?
Let’s fact check each other live & in real time. 🙋♂️— Brett Herron 🇿🇦🍉 (@brettherron) February 21, 2025
Great idea. I’d love to be a panelist on this topic @joeroganhq . The South African crime statistics that came out yesterday would also provide rich material for this discussion. The land ownership figures must also feature. Such an inspired idea from Roland. Please do it!
— Redi Tlhabi (@RediTlhabi) February 21, 2025
South Africa has challenges, like any country, but what you and your ilk want is a pity party for a privileged few who think losing unchecked dominance is oppression.
— Michael De Villiers (@Mikedotcoza) February 22, 2025
What’s funny is that, you went from begging the president to give you a job in a ministry you admitted in our interview you knew nothing about to being this ass!
After that interview we all knew you weren’t too bright and now everyone knows
— Andile Ncube (@AndileNcube) February 22, 2025
Hey @joeroganhq, I’m available for this. Hit me up anytime. I’ll bring facts & receipts. Thanks in advance!
— Clayson Monyela (@ClaysonMonyela) February 22, 2025
Roland Schoeman is an idiot. Can’t believe we ever rooted for this guy in the Olympics. What an imbecile.
— wandy. (@Tshiwandy) February 22, 2025