Treasure trove

Treasure trove

In Botswana, Lucara Diamond’s Karowe mine has uncovered a 240 ct stone.

The top white gem diamond is set to feature alongside another recently discovered 127 ct stone from the same mine in the firm’s quarterly tender, which will take place between February 24 and March 7, according to the company.

In operation since 2012, Karowe produces an estimated 300 000 to 330 000 ct per year, and it is also the origin of the third-largest diamond ever found. CEO Eira Thomas says the mine has ‘open pit reserves of 2.6 million carats, extending out to 2026’. She adds that the company is in the process of completing a feasibility study that could extend mining operations to 2036.

Botswana relies heavily on its diamond exports. In 2017, as noted by the CIA World Factbook, exports reached 22 million ct, ‘driving Botswana’s economic growth to about 4.5% and increasing foreign exchange reserves to about 45% of GDP’.

5 February 2019
Image: Lucara Diamonds

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Treasure trove

In Botswana, Lucara Diamond’s Karowe mine has uncovered a 240 ct stone.

The top white gem diamond is set to feature alongside another recently discovered 127 ct stone from the same mine in the firm’s quarterly tender, which will take place between February 24 and March 7, according to the company.

In operation since 2012, Karowe produces an estimated 300 000 to 330 000 ct per year, and it is also the origin of the third-largest diamond ever found. CEO Eira Thomas says the mine has ‘open pit reserves of 2.6 million carats, extending out to 2026’. She adds that the company is in the process of completing a feasibility study that could extend mining operations to 2036.

Botswana relies heavily on its diamond exports. In 2017, as noted by the CIA World Factbook, exports reached 22 million ct, ‘driving Botswana’s economic growth to about 4.5% and increasing foreign exchange reserves to about 45% of GDP’.

5 February 2019
Image: Lucara Diamonds

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