Open field

Open field

Egypt is continuing efforts to boost its natural gas sector.

The country is developing 11 exploration projects worth an estimated US$18 billion, Daily News Egypt reports. It plans to increase natural gas output from 6.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) to 7.95 bcf/d by the 2019/20 fiscus.

According to Egypt Oil & Gas, a boost in production from the second phases of the North Alexandria and Zohr projects will be large contributors.

The Zohr offshore gas field is the largest in the Mediterranean. Its current output is 2.1 bcf/d, as reported by Reuters – a figure that is set to reach 2.95 bcf/d after completion of its second phase in mid-2019.

21 May 2019
Image: Gallo/Getty Images

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Open field

Egypt is continuing efforts to boost its natural gas sector.

The country is developing 11 exploration projects worth an estimated US$18 billion, Daily News Egypt reports. It plans to increase natural gas output from 6.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) to 7.95 bcf/d by the 2019/20 fiscus.

According to Egypt Oil & Gas, a boost in production from the second phases of the North Alexandria and Zohr projects will be large contributors.

The Zohr offshore gas field is the largest in the Mediterranean. Its current output is 2.1 bcf/d, as reported by Reuters – a figure that is set to reach 2.95 bcf/d after completion of its second phase in mid-2019.

21 May 2019
Image: Gallo/Getty Images

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