Growth spurt

Growth spurt

The Kenyan government is to invest KES1.2 billion into irrigation projects.

Three projects will be implemented in Nginda, Mirira and Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga, covering 273 ha, 809 ha and 237 ha respectively, according to Kenya News Agency. The initiatives, which are expected to benefit of thousands of citizens, will be commissioned by April this year, with completion due in September 2021.

‘There are many irrigation projects initiated in various counties – Murang’a included – and once complete, food security will be assured,’ says Joshua Toro, chairman of the National Irrigation Authority. ‘The projects are also targeted to create employment [for] thousands of Kenyans.’

The government is also finalising the KESh88 million Mutaro irrigation initiative in Laikipia county. Implemented over 400 ha, the 8.1 km-long canal project is expected to help around 1 000 smallholder farmers.

03 March 2020
Image: Pixabay

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