Clearing the way

Clearing the way

South Africa’s Table Mountain Aerial Cableway plans to recycle 80% of its waste by 2021, up from the current 55%.

Its sustainability measures include a permanent in-house recycler, an organic-waste recycling programme and a tank to transport wastewater to its lower station. The Cape Town-based cableway operator, which ferries about 1 million visitors to the top of one of South Africa’s foremost tourist attractions every year, has also increased the number of recycling bins on site.

‘We are mindful of our role and responsibilities as a custodian of this globally recognised attraction,’ says MD Wahida Parker. ‘With this in mind, and our need to continue to improve, we aim to have 80% of all our waste recycled within the next two years.’

The cableway won the Best Resources Management award for its water and waste management initiatives at the 2019 African Responsible Tourism Awards in April.

11 June 2019
Image: Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

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Clearing the way

South Africa’s Table Mountain Aerial Cableway plans to recycle 80% of its waste by 2021, up from the current 55%.

Its sustainability measures include a permanent in-house recycler, an organic-waste recycling programme and a tank to transport wastewater to its lower station. The Cape Town-based cableway operator, which ferries about 1 million visitors to the top of one of South Africa’s foremost tourist attractions every year, has also increased the number of recycling bins on site.

‘We are mindful of our role and responsibilities as a custodian of this globally recognised attraction,’ says MD Wahida Parker. ‘With this in mind, and our need to continue to improve, we aim to have 80% of all our waste recycled within the next two years.’

The cableway won the Best Resources Management award for its water and waste management initiatives at the 2019 African Responsible Tourism Awards in April.

11 June 2019
Image: Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

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