Cape Town – The National Treasury’s exemption of Eskom from disclosing “irregular expenditure and fruitless and wasteful expenditure” is a “major blow to transparency”, says Western Cape Premier Alan Winde.
The exemption – for the financial years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25– was granted on Monday by Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana in terms of section 92 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999 – the Act).

Winde said: “This exemption from Treasury, which is the guardian of our country and government’s financial guardrails flies in the face of all financial checks and balances and good governance.”
Godongwana’s go-ahead showed “that, rather than stopping corruption, it is being formalised at Eskom”, he said.

“This is not moving us away from grey-listing. This is making Eskom blackouts, financial blackouts too,” Winde added.
“Is this an attempt to protect the mafias which are holding the company hostage? What are they trying to conceal? This is a major blow to transparency, which is critically needed in our country, especially at State Owned Entities, many of whom are in a shocking state. The power utility cannot be allowed to evade accountability.
“This will be a major setback to meaningfully dealing with the energy crisis and fixing Eskom. This decision is arbitrary and is of serious concern. We are pursuing and considering all options to stop this exemption. We are a government that stands for integrity and due process – this is the exact opposite,” he added.
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Compiled by Junaid Benjamin