Cape Town — Cape Town MMC for Water and Sanitation, Zahid Badroodien, has revealed that extortionists are resorting to extreme measures to exploit residents — by cutting off their water supply.
“Taps and toilets are part of the basic services provided by the City’s Water and Sanitation Directorate through its Informal Settlement and Basic Services (ISBS) branch,” Badroodien said.
The services are provided to nearly 500 informal settlements at no charge and the City tries to provide upkeep and maintenance of the infrastructure. The current operating model means no member of the public is allowed to lock or deny anyone access to the facilities in exchange for money.
“It is unacceptable that extortionists are trying to make money by restricting access to free basic services from vulnerable residents, unless they are prepared to pay an illegal fee,” he said.
The City has a zero-tolerance policy against extortionists, and residents are encouraged to report such lawlessness to the authorities.
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Compiled by Matthew Petersen